
Case Study:

NOAA PIRO Training Videos

  • 3D animation to match 2D illustrations
  • Training materials for owners and operators of longline vessels working in the Pacific Islands Region
Your team's work is truly stellar and greatly appreciated. I'm absolutely confident that your deliverables will help us tremendously in our outreach and education efforts to provide effective protected species handling and release guidance in pelagic longline fisheries. These positive impacts will not only be helpful for our Pacific Region, but also for our national and international partnerships."

NOAA's Pacific Islands Regional Office needed animated training videos to provide education about the safe handling and release of hooked or entangled protected species. The videos were to be based on existing illustrated guides demonstrating the appropriate procedures.


V! Studios produced animated training videos for four different species groups, using 3D animation stylized to match the 2D illustrations provided by the customer. The animations were published to YouTube by NOAA, and the Pacific Islands Protected Species Workshops website.


NOAA is using these animations to train fishermen in the safe handling and release of endangered species accidentally caught on their longlines, ultimately helping these endangered populations to recover and restore balance to their ecosystems.